
Creating and collecting miniatures have long been a part of my life.

They bring me inner squeals of joy when I make an individual piece or finishing up a setting that looks like I could walk on in if I was resized to that scale.

Hopefully, they will bring you a little smile to cheer your day.

6 thoughts on “About”

  1. Good day,
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    I really hope your help in this matter.
    And thank you again for your time.



    1. Sorry but your scale in different. I only work in one 1 inch scale and yours is more of a Barbie size items.
      They are sweet and have fun.
      Sorry I didn’t see this sooner to reply


  2. What a lovely blog! It’s an absolute delight to see the beautiful things you’ve created (and placed in such perfect settings!). Thank you so much for your generosity, too, in sharing your ideas and resources with those of us who sadly lack your talent. Brilliant!!


    1. We all have abilities/ talents of some kind! Afraid I would hopeless at doing huddles or most athletic skills…..
      Enjoy and give it a try….you might be surprised with your ability to do it!


  3. Lisa: Hi. I went looking for your site to buy one of your beautiful shelf units and found you went out of business! How dare you! Actually, good for you! I love what you had said about there not being enough time for everything and you are so right! Also, absolutely love your hankie project! Thank you so much for the pleasure your work (kits) have brought me over the years, and now for your great blog! And hankies!



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