Tag Archives: tin transformation

Kid’s Play

It’s January and for the most of the United States it is really, really cold and misery outside.  Time to stay inside and find some place warm, for me that’s my workroom.

I’ve been tinkering again and cleaning out some bins of bits and pieces that time forgot. This year I am trying to make time to do some of the pins from Pinterest that I am always adding to.  I will never get to all of them but love the creative mood it creates for me as I am scrolling through the pictures.

Miniaturists do have a hard time tossing things.  I kept saving the candy/cough drop tins over time.  Now is the time to transform them into something.  One pin that catch my eye was the stovetop transformation.

So I decided to make some for grand kids and recycle some minis that were tired of being in a forgotten drawer. So the fun began!

Its a small surprise to send in the mail when the live far away.  A reminder that Grandma was thinking about them. I like to imagine their faces when it is opened. It is always a treat to have something come just for you in the mail, especially for kids!

Here is the pictures of one of them.

Spaghetti and meatballs is what’s cooking!

Here is the graphics for the stove top that I mentioned in the video below.

Here is a video for further explanation. Hope you find this as entertaining as I did.

Playtime is always good for lifting your spirits on cold, cloudy winter days.